Office of the Superintendent & CEO

  • hp

  • Dr. Henry Pettiegrew, II is a refreshing leader who took a strikingly different approach to school leadership.  Revitalization has been the tone of his tenure in the East Cleveland City School District.  He was appointed by the state of Ohio as the CEO, and has been named as the superintendent by the local school board. He has coordinated transformational, district-wide school improvement strategies, and served as an educational administrator with specific demonstrated success in organizational systems, curriculum development, and principal professional development. Dr. Pettigrew  has built a reputation for delivering actionable instructional leadership, and offering robust training to building the capacities of both teachers and leaders. Dr. Pettiegrew earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Urban Education from Cleveland State University and has provided consulting and professional development for principals, school districts and private businesses through his business The LEAD School. He is motivated to equip an army of learners as leaders to break the barriers of  reactionary school systems.  With excellence, empowerment, equity and empathy Dr. Pettigrew carries out His life’s work: investing daily in actualizing the true freedom of education for all!



  • Administrative Directives

  • Rightsizing the District

  • State of the District